
Pots on the left,
medicine on
the right

In Poland, tourism that makes travel
have something in common with sales of goods has just begun, in foreign
countries such as Germany or Austria
it is already functionning successfully since years and is called "Werbung"
tourism. This is one type of commercial tourism. In the 70's, the first enterprises of this type appeared on the market. A large group of people, mainly retired people, are keen on this type
of tourism: they believe that they shall pay less for a trip if they allow some
sales presentations. (p.11)

Ski down
accross Poland

Willing to prove to travel organisators that skiing downslopes can be so thrilling even on low heights, we are featuring some selected places in Poland in between the North of the Baltic and the Southern small mountain regions where the ski tourism is dynamically growing. We are presenting theses places because of their skiing potential and also because...

Wydanie: 8/2007, SUMMARY
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