
Tourists from seas and oceans

Cruise travels are one of the branches in the tourist industy which is expected to have a strong growth in the comming years. Shipbuilders optimism show in building larger ship units and is comming from the fact that cruise travels have remained for many years chosen by the few. Today, it becomes a mass tourism activity. In Poland, Gdynia harbor is the most popular place. In 2007, up to 87 liners came alongside the quays, transporting more than 89 thousand tourists. In the meantime, Gdansk harbor welcomed 39 liners and 12 thousand tourists. For Szczecin, the problem is on the capacity of the harbor which is set for 215 meters long liners maximum. (p. 12)

To exhibit
or to visit?

Each important travel agency, tour operator and organizator of tourism ought to take part in two or at least three top tourism events in his country. Participate means to make appearance alongside other travel agencies and make possible contacts. It also means presenting one's offer to the visitors on the days opened to the public. (p. 20)

Wydanie: 9/2007, SUMMARY
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